Home - www.scottishenduros.co.uk




1) Join a club. You need to be a club member to get a licence.
2) Contact the club secretary about getting a full Of road speed licence.

English Riders - all very welcome. All you need is your ACU race licence. Join an English club and get an ACU race licence. Accepted at all Scottish races . You do not need to get a Scottish licence to race in Scotland.

The following clubs have their membership forms ready to go.

ELRAT LOGO - web.jpg (8255 bytes) ELRAT Membership forms - join online at http://elrat.co.uk/membership-application-form

Bon Accord forms - join online at http://www.bamcc.co.uk/membership.html

   DirtBike Evolution - join online www.dirtbikeevolution.com

Scottish Borders Enduro Club -join online http://elrat.co.uk/sbecmembership

    Highland Enduro Club  - https://membermojo.co.uk/highlandenduroclub
