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The final Championship Enduro of the year was at Bon Accord Craiglash forest on 2/3 Sept 2023.

A tough 2 days for the riders with hot weather as well.

An excellent event after a lot of hard work put in over the past few months by Ross Fisher and his team.

Thanks to the club for all the effort and finding a great new camping and start area.

Provisional results

Saturday results2023\Final Result Rd 4 Enduro Bon Accord 2 Sep 2023.pdf

  Sunday   results2023\Final Result Rd 5 Enduro Bon Accord 3 Sep 2023.pdf


Expert Andrew Bisset continued his winning ways and took 1st on both days - but Sam Boyd pushed him hard looking very fast in the tests.

Alastair Millar put in 2 good days to win the Expert B class on both days ahead of Calum Hill who managed to take one test to keep him honest.

The over 40's had a good battle over the weekend with different winners on the two days. Andrew Currie 1st on Sat with Darren Cousins winning on Sunday.

The usual suspects of James Harvey, Ian Bisset and Mark Anderson mixing it with Richard Copsey and Nicky Beavitt

In Clubman there has been a season long battle between the rising stars of Robbie Davidson and Cai Hewitt. This weekend Cai did his best and won both days with Robbie in 2nd both days.

David MacGillivray charging hard on both days for 3rd.

In the over 50's Robbie Allan kept his clean sheet with wins on both days with Neil Dawson relishing the course with some fine trials riding for 2nd. Billy Easdon taking 3rd on Sunday

There was a close battle in Clubamn B with Gavin Donald taking 1st on Saturday and Alister Barr pushing to take the win on Sunday. Josh Reid and Gareth Jamieson taking a 2nd place apiece

In Sportsman class Tom Massey and Derri Forde fought for 1st with Tom taking 1st both days and Derri 2nd. Newcomer Donald McKenzie had 3rd on Sat and Alan Bonner looking smooth for 3rd on Sunday

And the over 50 Sportsman class was tough on the Saturday with Steven Clark taking the win ahead of Phil Hewitt and John Kerwin who made the long trip North.

Several DNS on the Sunday meant a reduced field but no less competitive as Bill Bruce and Neil Alexander swapped test times with Bill taking the win at the final check. David Murray survived to take 3rd.

A great end to a short but very competitive season. Thanks to all the organisers and riders who travelled to support it.

Full Championship points and Champions at the end of the week after any queries have been dealt with.

Andrew Bisset in high flying action


Photos Copyright (c) Scottishenduros.co.uk 2023

if you wish a high res image (free) or a print (£5 + £3 P&P)- email me at webmaster@scottishenduros.co.uk

If you do not see your photo email me as I took many more on the day

If you use these images please credit Scotttishenduros.co.uk

Ross Fisher CoC addresses the riders briefing. Great course Ross

Andrew Bisset keeps on flying

Sam Boyd flies

Calum Hill leads the B's

Robbie Davidson powers on

Mark Anderson

Keith Watt

Nat Leadbitter on the boil

Followed by Ryan Chapman

Roy Mackay takes to the air

Struan Hull also flying

Ross Duncan classic action

Mark Bruce

Billy Easdon  on the move

Jonny Fairnie gets a move on

Artistic shot of Allan Macdonald - back after injury

Sandy Bankier gets the power on

Jamie Douglas - first time in Scotland

Followed by his dad - old hand Gavin Douglas

Derri Forde gets a move on

Tom Massey enjoying his weekend with  2 wins

Beautiful scenery and great pits area

Cai Hewitt pushing all day for the win.

Bill Bruce spots the camera

David Simm fights to keep the front down.

Mark Anderson pushes in the test

Ethan Austin looking smooth

With Dad Alex Austin trying to catch him.

Richard Mcleod

Robbie Allan drifting for the win

Alister Barr wining styling

Thoms Malcolm at speed

Alan Bonner threads the trees

Ross Duncan rails the berm

Followed by Tom Massey

Tom again - 2 great action shots.

Sandy Bankier gets the wheel airborne

Derri Forde great body english

Sam Boyd at pace

Calum Hill

Alastair Millar

Ethan still at speed

Richard Crowther gets some air time

And Andrew just keeps on flying

Struan Hull flies round the track

Thomas Malcom - I did catch you !

Even the Marshalls were flying

Allan Macdonald still clean - how does he do it ?

Cai Hewitt -on the boil all day

David MacGillivray eyes on the course.

Robbie still flying.

David Simm still cant keep that front down

Mark Anderson enjoying the ride

Wee bit of understeer for Sam Boyd

Alister Barr - total control - all the way to the win.
