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newsacusml.jpg (9809 bytes)sbec.jpg (16984 bytes)5th Round SACU Hare and Hound Championship 2011.

Glendearg (Galashiels) 8th May 2011 SBEC

Click here for the results ( Ver 2. - changes in O 40)

Another excellent and testing event with more woods work added in case you weren't tired last time. Heavy rain just dampened the track to keep the dust down - and the sun came out for most of the race.  A couple of fallers - but most riders had a good day out - well done to the SBEC for setting it up and putting in new ground.

Video by Yellowhat.tv . We  take Niall for granted - but he does a great job for us giving us a visual record of the events. Please help support him and buy a DVD now and then - he also makes a donation to the ISDE team fro each video sold

film.gif (1073 bytes) And another lap by Rab  Moir - this time following the arrows. Click here


Jims Speech rocks - and more rocks

Ready for the off - and it is sunny

Clubman holeshot

Make the holeshot - not the corner


Alec Salmond waves them off ....

Sportsmen get the corner right

David Dick

Fraser Flockhart on the gas

Ricky Mair flying

It was the camera made me do it ....

In the woods

Phil gets it up

Alastair Millar gets the pass

Mark Ritchie

Tracey Currie on the pegs

Mark Grice TM Master

Doug Thomson

Richard Williams

The Marshalls are watching

And it's back into the woods again

Now was it 160 who is never on the site or his mate ....

Drew Harvey roost of the day

Alex Stewart in the trees


Sportsmen avoid the mudhole

Fraser Flockhart - blown exhaust - character building.

Yes that will be two copies please ...

