Round SACU Hare and Hound Championship 2011.
Glendearg (Galashiels) 8th May 2011 SBEC
here for the results
( Ver 2. - changes in O 40)
Another excellent and
testing event with more woods work added in case you weren't
tired last time. Heavy rain just dampened the track to keep the
dust down - and the sun came out for most of the race. A
couple of fallers - but most riders had a good day out - well
done to the SBEC for setting it up and putting in new ground.
Video by Yellowhat.tv .
We take Niall for granted - but he does a great job for us
giving us a visual record of the events. Please help support him
and buy a DVD now and then - he also makes a donation to the
ISDE team fro each video sold
And another lap by Rab Moir
- this time following the arrows.
Click here