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The SACU is sending a team to the 2009 ISDE in Portugal with the major support of all the clubs in Scotland.  Each club has contributed to the ISDE fund and helped organise events to ensure we have the best team to go out and represent Scotland.

As well as the clubs there have been several major sponsors who have also helped as well as many businesses and individuals who have donated to help get the team there. A great thank you to you all. And a big thank you to the SACU Office team for help with the organisation and funding.

Final Result - The team had a great week after a troubled start for Ricky Mair. He came back storming and even won his final MX from fellow Scot Kevin Murray. Grant Smith had a great week to add to his previous SSDT experience and Derek Little showed why he is the current Scottish champion. 1 Gold medal and 2 Silvers . Fantastic - and a big thank you to Sam Davidson for coordinating the effort before and at the event.

1. The Journey to Portugal

2. Sign on and prep

3. Day one report

4. Day two report

5. Day three report

6. Day four report

7. Day five report

8. Day six report

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Results             Live Results    www.isde2009-live.info/ 

The Team Our Sponsors
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Victor Devine Motorcycles

Metzler UK

Saltire Suzuki

Drysedale Motorcycles

Moto x Scotland

Carrick Motor Cycles

2 Wheels

Chatham Honda

Dennis Irvine


Scotspeed Motorcycles

Derek Little

Has ridden in the ISDE many times and is our current Scottish Champion

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Grant Smith

In 2nd place in the championship so far this year - has ridden the SSDT many times and has the skill and stamina to be there at the end

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Ricky " Speedy Gonzalez" Mair

Has won this year at Lossie and is a major force in MX as well.

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Sam Davidson

The Team manager and has been a major factor in getting the team organised this year. His job really starts in October.

Sam has done a lot to raise funds and his company Spiregas is one of our major sponsors.

He has a lot of experience of ISDE organisation and is also present at BEC and World Rounds.

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Neil Chatham

Travelling Reserve. Neil has had a great season in Scotland and the UK and will be on hand to help if needed.

The Crew

John Little, Kevin Gauld, Jim Ballantyne, Alan Poynton , Fraser Norrie, Dougie Aitken - and many more will be travelling to ensure our team gets well supported and looked after.


ISDE - as it was. Here is a link to a film about the ISDE in Czecko in the early 80's, Johnny Little was the Scottish manager with Trevor in support. Dougie Kerr, Keith Roden, Euan Syme, Peter Laing, Archie Baird and Campbell Chatham were the Scottish team that year. The rain you see in the film caused all of the team to drop out by the Thursday except Dougie Kerr that year. Click the link .http://vimeo.com/2956901.


