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  Provisional results for Tain Hare and Hounds at Highland Enduro Club  27th June 2021

results2021\Tain H&H Rnd 1 27jun21.pdf


Won by Andrew Bisset on his first race outing this year. Ben Thomson was having a great day until machine problems dropped him out 30 minutes from the end.

Joe Dawson put in a great race for 2nd with Jordan Hayes just behind for 3rd.  Kagen Mckenzie looked stylish and pretty rapid all day on his return to Expert class racing.

Craig Dunsire lead the few Clubmen home with Nick Walter in 2nd and Taylor Mair who stepped in to Clubman in 3rd.

Callum Davidson won the Clubman B by over a lap from Tommy Drennan who was kept honest all day by David Simm

The over 40 class is always hotly contested and Gavin Johnston pushed hard to keep his lead ahead of Ian Bisset and Richie Finnie.

The over 50's was lead home by P Sinclair just ahead of Pete Nixon and Neil Dawson.  Turning into a very competitive class.

The Sportsman class was won by David MacGillavray closely followed by Gregorz Nowak and new rider Robbie Gray in his first adult event (one to watch for the future)


Thanks to Jim Mair and all the boys at Highland Enduro Club for a great days racing - the effort that goes in to setting out the events is very much appreciated.

Photos copyright (c) ScottishEnduros 2021. If you wish a print email me for a copy webmaster@scottishenduros.co.uk . £5 plus p+p

Sunset at Tain the night before - then 25degree heat for the racing


The Experts head off the line


And the Sportsmen get going


Ben Thomson gets some air on the first lap


Followed by Jordan Hayes

Paul Skelton styling for the camera

Callum Davidson in flight

Richie Finnie keeps his eye on the course

Kagen Mckenzie just noticed the track goes left not right . ! ! !

Ian Bisset keeps it tidy

Joe Dawson keeps his feet up ( of course)


Tom Hume launches himself into the course


Closely followed by Kagen

Calum Greenwood gets some air time


Roy Valentine at speed in the sand


Newcomer Cai Hewitt keeps it tidy

The race is on - I'll take the high road. . . .


Callum Davidson


Chris Cruise

Robert Heinsar

Phil Hewitt

Andrew Mckay

Callum Davidson spots the camera

Paul skelton on the boil

Ben Thomson pushes on

Wojciech Pilich

Nat Leadbitter

Ian Bisset still flying

Robbie Gray on the gas

Robbie Gray drifting

Winner Andrew Bisset pushes on

Craig Dunsire

Alan Davidson always has a wave for the camera


Cameron Rutherford

Taylor Mair looking smooth

Gavin Johnston in flight

Followed by another trials rider Neil Dawson

Kagen keeps the front end light in the bog

Richie Finnie gets some traction in the bog

Steven Ketchin looking good

Andrew Bisset flies through the bog

Tom Hume


Mitchell Brown marshalling with style

Close racing all day

Alan shows the effort after three hours racing

Euan Mckay

Neil Dawson


