2019 Enduro Championship Bon Accord MCC Craiglash Enduro
After a very wet
night the riders were greeted by a tough course - but they
got stuck in to the challenge and kept going all day. Never
an easy course it was a rewarding day - thanks to Stuart
Cooper for all the effort he puts into it and his team for
keeping it running all day. Thanks to Di for here cheering
and motivating banter all day
Experts won by
Andrew Bisset from Fergus Lamb - who will be rueing his late
start penalty. Andrew also set the record for changing his
shock and staying on time. ISDE regular !
Provisional results
click here -

Andrew Bisset under control

It was a wee bit damp toady

Fergus drifts it pas the B's
The Brilliant B'Team
On time all day
Andrew Currie
Andrew Bisset
Daniel Obrien
Carl Jones
George McBeth
Gareth Jamieson

Neil Mcgregor
Duncan McCormick
Craig McCormick
Duane Whittaker
Jerry Millichip
Alan Davidson
Ritche Finnie

Keith Watt
Joe Horne
Jack Horne
Alistair McGowan
Ross Mailer
Ben McLusky
Bruce Cooper
Derek Little
Duncan Norrie
Gavin Johnston
Andrew Currie
Michael Alexander
Douglas ritchie
Martin Grubb
The A Team
Alasdair Duncan
Steven Currie Jnr
Nathan McLean