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  Photos and wee report on Highland Enduro Club's Fun Hare and Hounds at Elgin on 29th December

A full course with a couple of mega straights in the stubble field to let you get the bike wound up - followed by some hills and tight going in the forest of Birkenhil.

Lots of new riders trying the sport out for the first time plus over 100 riders on the day.

Rider of the day was Kenny Norrie - who has been supporting his sons Frazer and Duncan for many years with great success. He finally decided to try it again after a 26 year gap.

Top riders on the day were Ben Thomson , Frazer Norrie  and good to see Richard Hay back out on the course at speed . No results published but a lot of effort by the riders and their crews.

A big thank you to all at Highland Enduro Club for a great way to finish the year before they get ready for the BEC at Easter in Lossiemouth.

Photos Copyright (c) Scottishenduros.co.uk 2024

If you do not see your photo email me at webmaster@scottishenduros.co.uk as I took many more on the day

If you use these images please credit Scotttishenduros.co.uk

Ben Thomson in Action

Kenny Norrie back competing after 26 years with team mate Tim Humphries.

The Experts start the day

Followed by over 50's

The Parc Ferme - and it was sunny all day

Frazer Norrie flying all day

Followed by Duncan Norrie

Scott Oliphant tucks in for the "Flying Mile".

Richard Hay hard charging all day

And the race is on - just 3 hours to go

Aaron McCarroll  helps with the ploughing

Malcolm Ross digs deep

Connall Moir getting the power down

Jonathan Coats heads for the woods

Ben heads for the tough stuff

Struan Hull roosts along

261 at speed.

Thomas Malcolm puts on the style

Alan Macdonald on the move

Kenny Norrie back in the saddle after 26 years.

Alex Austin keeps feet up

The eyes say it all

Colin Macintyre flying

Duncan Norrie in control

Jack McVittie speeds bye

Jonathan Coates enjoying the woods

John Miller on the vintage Honda 200R - great wee machine

Maximum Effort

Gavin Johnson in control

Alastair Miller pushes on

Innes Dickson on the Big Honda .

First wheelie of the day - Lee Disbury

And he kept it up all the way. Nice

Mitchell Brown enjoys his day

Liam Matheson gives it the max

Alan  Davidson enjoying his day.

Taylor Mair feet up in the trees

Cai Hewitt motors on

Greg Gallacher - smiles all round

Kamila Swilinska enjoying her day

Paul Christie gets a move on

Martin Grubb still pushing at the end

Wojceich Pilich best foot forward

Scott Oilphant rails the berm

Colin Macintyre keeps it tidy

Duncan keeps the elbows up


Alastair Millar still flying at the end of three hours

Paul Smart on a proper bike - a Yamaha

Kenny Norrie still there at the end .

Greg Gallacher gets the power down for the last lap.

Iain Bisset rounds the bales for the last time.

