SBEC 2 day enduro on 25th / 26th June
2022 at Falahill farm Heriot.
Day 1
results -
results2022\Falahill 2022
Won by Andrew Bisset with
Stuart Mack in 2nd and Ben Thomson in 3rd.
2 results -
results2022\Falahill 2022
Won by Andrew Bisset on
top form with Ben Thomson close in 2nd . Kagen McKenzie made
the long trip worthwhile with 3rd.
A new Enduro with some
great new ground added and a 7 minute special test in fields
and forest. Including a nice hill climb and a wee bog to
make things interesting.
A lot of work from the club to add a
great new Enduro to the calendar. Big thank you to Clerk of the Course Andy
Thomson and his team and the landowner at Fallahill Farm
Photos from Day 1.
Photos Copyright (c) 2022
if you wish a
high res image or a print (£5 + P&P)- email me at
If you do not see your photo email me as I took many more on the day
If you use the images please credit

Winner Andrew Bisset shows his winning style

Kagen McKenzie on the boil in the test

Riders ready for the start of a fine days riding

Andy Gray heads off

Ben Thomson leads
them through the trees

Andrew Bisset keeps
it tidy

Kagen drifts past

Andrew Currie
looking smooth

Always a wave from
the Bus Boys - Mitchell

James Burns on

Alastair Millar
keeps the front pinned

Followed by class
winner Sam Boyd

Callum Davidson in
the hunt

Ian Bisset - smooth
as always

James Harvey always
a threat

Lewis Moore threads
the trees

Dan McNally - max

Richard Copsey

Nice to see Alex
Kirk back out again - looking smooth

Richard Crowther
pushes on

Barry Jeffrey out
on the Classic air cooled KDX

Chris Stubbs spots
the camera

Kenny Donaldson out
for a days play

Taylor Mair and
Alan Shepherd on the pegs

Steven Clark exits
the stream

Followed by Robbie

Then Gavin Donald

Father and son
discuss tactics for the test - Phil and Kai

Ben Thomson finds a

Kagen flies

Andrew flying too

Jack Kitching gets
in on the act

Mitchell Brown

Ryan Paxton flies

Darren Cousins in
the test

Ian Bisset at
thistle corner

Dan McNally still

Ben Thomson powers

Alan Mcvittie on
the pegs

Ian Leith looking
smooth in the test

Kagen exits the bog

Andrew flies across

Steven Currie
roosts it - and stays clean

Richard Copsey gets
the power down

Graeme Paxton gets
the foot down

Neil Dawson Trials
Maestro sails through

Max Hamilton finds
some grip

But it wasn't all
straight through

Andrew Currie finds
the rut . Did he make it out .....

James Burns max

Andrew Currie
finally gets free and on course

Gareth Skelton in
the burn

Graeme Paxton cools

Richard Crowther
making waves