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Round 11 ELRAT Robert Brownlie Motor Engineers Griffin Forest Enduro 25th October 2009 When Griffin was rained off in September the club asked the riders if they wished it to run at the end of October. With plenty of emails saying "go for it" the club carried on and prepared the course. The weekend before the ground was so dry it was cracking - BUT - of course come the weekend of the event it started raing on the Friday night and continued through Saturday. After the sighting lap by Duncan Braid it was decided to give the riders 1/2 a lap and all the tests.
With Derek Little and Grant Smith just back from the ISDE and sun and sand this was not the ideal event and their times reflected this. Neil Chatham was very keen to improve his Championship position and pushed very hard to take his third win of the year and finish the season in 2nd place. Regarding the problem with penalties
incurred due to waiting within the test section, for those in Clubmen and sportsmen
classes. The latest results have been posted to show this. Thanks to Tilhill Economic Forestry for the use of Griffin - and th Atholl and Caroline for all their efforts to put the event on. A tough close to a tough season - roll on 2010. Read Campbells full report - click here