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John Little Memorial Enduro Highland Enduro Club - Lossiemouth 1/2 May 2021
A great start to the new season with the first two days run by Highland Enduro Club. Sunny on Saturday and dry on the Sunday With this being the first event run under COVID 19 restrictions there were some extra safety measures and social distancing in place . All riders and crew were checked for temperature at the gate before entry. The course was slightly eased as it was the first event most riders had been at for over a year. But this was Lossie and it lived up to it's reputation. First rider away at 10:00 and not finished till 4:30. Five laps of the sandy and twisty test in the trees to decide the winner. With the first test not counting riders had a chance to get to grips with the course before pushing to the max from lap 2. Never an easy course it was as testing as ever. Due to running a month later due to COVID 19 restrictons there was no beach section due to nesting Arctic Terns - but there was still enough sand. A new rider to the course Nieve Holmes from England was one of two ladies on the course. Riding expert class she got to grips with the sand and seemed to enjoy her days. Very stylish and aggressive as set some very quick times in the test.
Winner on day one was Fraser Flockhart with Frazer Norrie in 2nd and Fergus Lamb in 3rd . On day 2 it was Frazer Norrie who took the honours with Fraser Flockhart in 2nd and a very consistent Kevin Murray in 3rd. Our thanks to Jim Mair and the Highland Enduro Club for a great weekend and thanks to the Forestry Land Scotland for the use of the ground. The next event is Bon Accord at Craiglash on the 16th May - regs available at www.bamcc.co.uk
Nieve Holmes flying Frazer Norrie in action Fraser Flockhart ends the test Kevin Murray keeps it tidy More Photos below - Photos Copyright (c) Scottishenduros.co.uk 2021 if you wish a high res image or a print (£5 + P&P)- email me at webmaster@scottishenduros.co.uk Those of you who knew John Little were privileged, although personally at the time I never realised it. Many times, John would question my manhood if I moaned about being knackered, injured, the track too hard or too slippy. John was himself a rider of considerable ability having ridden the SSDT many times and the ISDE three times once on a factory Laverda! It was this wealth of experience that made him special, and although somewhat glad to be rude to myself he would encourage other riders not to give up. Read more here As a final Tribute - some of Johns ashes were scattered on the special test - a tribute to his efforts and love of the sport over many years.
Douglas Cunningham
Graham Mechan
Stylish mystery rider
Ben Thomson ready to breach the Tank Traps
Derek Fortune keeps it tight in the trees
Gregorz Novak
Kevin Murray flying in the test
Mitchell Brown testing times
Frazer Norrie leaves the start
Steven Clark
James Goodall
Douglas Ritchie
Roy Mackay styling
Getting some air time
Nice to see Angus Bruce back in action and on top form
Bus Boy Alan Davidson in action
Frazer Norrie ends the test
Gerry Day on the Montesa - Top over 50 vet
Keeping it light over the sticks
Roy Mackay
Jump of the day ?
Gregorz Nowak
Going for it in the test
SACU Steward Kevin Gauld - keeping things on track
Alasdair Anderson leaves the A Team
Derek Little finally gets to use the timing gear he helped developed.The steady B Team
Ben Thomson in flight
Tim Bradshaw
Taylor Mair
Radi Staszczynski
Tomas Faustynowicz
Stewart Graham still smiling
Stephen Palmer
Dale Walker
Mitchell Brown
Frazer Norrie
Ben Thomson
Fergus Lamb
Nieve Holmes
Rob Swinbank
Taylor Mair
Richard Cowan keeping tidy in the trees