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Round 1 Bon Accord Netherly 22nd Nov 2009 Results Click here Campbells excellent report on the event - Click here After weeks of torrential rain in the wettest of all winters the Bon Accord Club ran Scotlands first Hare & Hounds Scottish Championship event on Netherley near Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire. The route was chosen for its dry line but needless to say it rained the previous day and the dry line was not so dry on the day of the race. The course was 4 miles long of heather, rough track, open moor and more heather. As always the Bon Accord Club run out the Quads first for a 90 minute race. This race was fast and furious and with an entry of 17 Quads made for some exciting racing and some very muddy looking and exhausted riders. The Championship race for solo bikes had a bumper entry of over 110 riders with a class by class Le Mans type start great fun and quite a spectacle. The expert riders came round in around 10 minutes, obviously the soft going did not slow them down. Apart from the problem of the mud obscuring the riders numbers the race ran well with only a few minor bumps the rain stayed off well almost. After 3 hours a lot of very tired riders passed the checkered flag only their teeth and bright eyes shining out through the spattered mud. Ken Whittaker Bill McGregors photos from Netherly Hare and Hound - excellent as usual Quads www.aslq88.dsl.pipex.com/Netherly/Quads/index.html