This page is to help Clerks and Secretaries of clubs to run an Enduro to to know
what tasks to perform on the day. If you wish to add any comments or do things differently
please let me know.
There are several stages in running an Enduro. Before, on the day and after the event.
These involve several people but it is better if one person knows all of what is going on.
ACU Handbook - essential reading. Copies available from the SACU
office. Free to officials at seminars.
 | Before the event
Find suitable ground and ensure you have the permission of the landowner to run the event.
If this is Forestry land - make sure you get a route map and application in as soon as
possible - 6 months before if you can manage. Work with the Forestry to ensure you
minimise stream crossings and public paths.
Apply for a date to the SACU. This usually by mid September of the year before to allow
production of the Calendar. If applying for a non Championship, closed to club or
trainig event still apply to the SACU for a permit as this also gives you insurance cover.
Once you have ground and permits sorted out then issue the entry form or Regs for the
event. Get these out as soon as you can - generally two months before the event. Send a
copy to this web site for publishing and get an entry in TMX. Put copies in bike shops and
dealers. You generally need at least 50 riders to break even on costs. Normally about 80
riders enter in Scotland - except where you get a lot of North of England riders - where
it can go up to 120 riders. Have a limit on entries. If you have too many then you will
find check points become clogged and timing becomes a problem.
 | Dealing with Entries
See the sample entry form at the end of this article for details you need to collect.
Basically you need to know who a rider is, what class they are riding, what their bike is
which club they belong to. If they have a licence you need the number. For day licences
all you need is proof of club membership. If they can't provide it they can join your club
on the day.
The entry form also contains the Supplementary Regulations detailing any special
conditions or restrictions. This can say what kind of tires are allowed, if the test is
open for inspection and when, and any special environmental conditions - eg no pressure
washers to be used.
When entries are received the details need to be noted and a reply sent out to the rider
saying if the entry has been accepted. This will generally have the riders competition
number on it. Replies are supposed to be out within one week of receipt of entry. If you
are refusing an entry,reasons must be given and with the Permit issuing authorities
 | To be continued .....