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Round 8 Scottish Borders MCC & ELRAT MCC Shiplaw Enduro 16th August 2009 Sponsored by Whites Motor Engineers - Thankerton. Class awards courtesy of Superspout.com Click for Results Click here for Campbells report "Scotland beats the rest" - a phrase we hope to hear more of in the future. With Allyn Scotland posting some very fast test times on a course getting harder each lap it was the toughest event of the year so far. Closely followed home by Murray Thomson - who always thrives the tougher it gets. The Enduro was a joint effort between SBEC and ELRAT - a very successful partership with both clubs providing officials and course builders. Stewart Blackadder in his first year as Clerk of the course set out to provide a tough and challenging event with new areas of old favourite forest Shiplaw. This meant a brand new and extended special test to replace last years swamp run. Running Experts and Clubman over the hills while Sportsman took the road allowed some tough sections to be added in. Rain during the week and in the previous 36 hours meant the course was not as dry as we would have liked but was still passable. After noting the times of riders coming in and watching the condition of the course it was decided to cut all classes by a lap and add in an extra test. This seemed popular with a lot of riders - but some riders really enjoyed the course and would have gone out again. The course started with a slot run throught the forest followed by some tough uphill going which quickly cut up meaning choice of line was all important. Then the big slippy downhill - you were always going to get down - just how fast was the question ! Then a quick road section and over the hills before The Tunnels. Fairly dry in the trees but with a deep rut in the middle of the track to avoid then a fast blast up the last tunnel before a slippy track out to the road. Back into the trees then down the road for the last section - more tracks in the forest with the odd wee bog to get through - finally down to the test at the end of the lap. And you thought you were nearly home!! The test proved one of the more challenging sections of the track - cutting up in unexpected places but always with a passable line if you could find it. Correct line choice could mean a big difference in times - keeping going being the name of the game. With bogs right up to the B's there was no room for error. Well done to all those who finished on time and to the survivors who got round a lap. As the Tee Shirt says " I survived Shiplaw 2009" Experts Won By Allyn Scotland with Murray Thomson in second and Derek Little in 3rd. The last lap taking around 30 seconds longer than the first timed test showing how the course was changing. Over 40 Trials ace Gavin Johnstone must have thought he was back at Erzberg with a tough course in front of him - but put in the fastest class times to take the win ahead of former class champions Alex Kirk and Sean Wooley. Melville Clerk of the Course Shuggie kept in touch but could not quite match the times. Dougie Aitken - back from France for a few months - used to set out the old Shiplaw course but hadn't seen a lot of the new track - and said it was different to Keilder this year - at least this one was passable . Clubmen In the Clubmen David Macarthur kept his times tight over his two test to take the win from James Harvey and Jamie Reid. Duncan McCormick finished in 4th on the big E3 KTM and welcomed the return to an old style event where you weren't sure you would finish. Clubmen B William Beaty put in some fast times finding the good line on the last test to take the win from Class leader Pawel Reuter after 2 hard laps . Sportsmen With both test counting Graham Aitchisons fast first test set up the win as Christopher Gallagher put in a blistering 2nd test to take 2nd place. Alan Maclean following in 3rd by only 5 seconds. Thanks to all the club members who put in weeks of work on the track and to Caroline for the rapido results. The event could not go ahead without the help of the Forestry Commission Scotland Selkirk Office - and Scottish Borders Council. And a note from Andrew McConnell -Whilst riding round Shiplaw a hose blew off the radiator (turned out to be a slack jubilee clip) I removed the rad scoop effected a repair and was soon ready to go .Unfortunately the end had previously came off my drinks system so I had precious little water in there. I asked many people for water and eventually a true samaritan gave me the water from his drinks system.Stand forward no 175 ! your generosity allowed me to finish andrew mc connell no 32. Also see Andrew Murdies site for pics of the event. Click here for his website . Click here for pics http://s335.photobucket.com/albums/m469/tattooedjudge/ He has also produced a DVD of Selkirk . Email him for details - judgethis@live.co.uk