A great day out at the Highland Enduro Club Hare and Hound at Tain. Round 3
of the Scottish
Championship on 4th June 2023
results2023\Final Results Rd 3 HH Adult Highland.pdf
A new course set out by the Bisset family
including the bales and logs section with escape route. An interesting new
section and thanks
to the team who kept the logs in place
all day. Several changes to the course due to farmland being planted but a
fast day out and a lot of
tired riders after the 3 hours.
With dry weather leading up to the event
the MX was pretty dusty on the first lap with the massed starts looking like
a Dakar event.
The Experts all managed 11 laps of the 8+
mile course with Andrew Bisset leading them home . Ricky Mair was back on a
bike again and finished 2nd with Kagen McKenzie 3rd and Joe Dawson close
behind in 4th
Gavin Johnston lead a spirted Over 40
group round with a day long battle with Mitchell Brown in 2nd and James
Harvey in 3rd.
In the Clubman Robbie Davidson was the
only one to finish on 11 laps getting back out just under the 3 hours . Alex
Pringle put up a great race for 2nd just ahead of Cai Hewitt.
Unfortunately a miscalculation over fuel
stops cost young Rhys Whyment a higher placing.
Gareth Jamieson put in a great 10 laps to
lead the Clubman B. Chris Gallagher in 2nd and Lee Disberry in 3rd both on 9
Neil Dawson enjoyed his day out in Over
50's with the win ahead of Alan Davidson and Gary Reid in 3rd.
In the Sportsman Class Kyle Currie put in
a great 9 laps to take the win from Lee Haliday and Josh Salmond also on 9
Bill Bruce pushed hard in the Sportsman
Vets to take the win from Lindsay Barrie - both on 8 laps. David Murray in
Thanks to Jim Mair and the Highland Club
for putting on another awesome race.
Photos of the event below - Photos Copyright (c) Scottishenduros.co.uk 2023
if you wish a
high res image or a print (£5 + £3 P&P)- email me at
If you do not see your photo email me as I took many more on the day
If you use these images please credit Scotttishenduros.co.uk

Jim Mair gets them ready for the off

The Experts get away and kick up the dust

Over 40's fighting for the first corner

Cai gets the first corner holeshot

Clubman B find it a bit dusty

Which way to the DAKAR.

Sportsman get stuck in

Andrew Bisset flies again

Ricky Mair back in action

Kagen styles

Joe Dawson gets some air

Rhys Whyment launches

Cai Hewitt goes for aerial combat

Robbie Davidson

Felix Beavitt

Mitchell Brown

Alex Pringle

Euan Mackay gets in a whip

James Lindsay

Richard McLeod

Bill Brown

Barry Lawford

Watch out Kagen - he's behind you

Good to see Alan McDonald back after injury at BEC
Ian Bisset rides the course he built

Chris Gallagher

James Harvey keeps feet up

As does Richard McLeod

Alan Davidson looks tidy

As does Rithcie Finnie

Damn you Evil Snapper !!

Getting crowded

Graeme Paxton flies

There was a chicken run . Thanks to the guys who kept the
logs in place.

Gavin Johnston feet up for the win

James Harvey never touched the ground

Ross Mailer

The chase is on Lee Halliday and Roy Mackay in action

Graeme Paxton keeps it tidy

Kagen styles the berm

The racing was close all day

Graeme still looking clean

Mark Scott in the mud

Dean Mackay on the pegs

Euan Mackay on the pace

Grzegoz Nowak gets roosting

Ricky Mair at speed

Marco Martinelli

Quinti Stevens looking for more sand

David Simm

At last a wheelie from Robbie

Gareth Jamieson leads the class

And the race is on - after 2 hours - only 1 hour to go .
. .

David MacGillivray

Alex Pringle

Roost of the day - Felix Beavitt