Highland Enduro Club's Championship Hare and Hounds
on 3rd July at Tain track.
Results here
2022 jul pdf.pdf
class won by Andrew Bisset with Kagen McKenzie in 2nd. A
disappointing turnout for an excellent event with new ground
added. One of the fastest events of the year .
riders had a great day out in the sunshine on a well
prepared MX track then a blast across the moors to the small
forest section and a high speed run back to the start with a
small burn crossing. There was a bog - which caught out a
few of the unwary including an Expert !
to Jim Mair and the Elgin Bus Boys for putting on a great
event. The timing was Live again and meant you could
follow progress as the day went on. Thanks to the SACU for
running it.
In the
Clubman class Callum Davidson continues to impress and
nearly caught Kagen at the end. The only other rider to
manage 16 laps as well as the Experts.
Gallagher and Max Hamilton in the Clubman B class managed 15
laps each with only James Harvey in the Over 40 putting in 15
At the
end of the day a lot of happy but very tired riders.
course will be run again in October - an event not to be
missed - it really is a case of USE it
or LOSE it.
Photos Copyright (c) Scottishenduros.co.uk 2022
if you wish a
high res image or a print (£5 + P&P)- email me at
If you do not see your photo email me as I took many more on the day
If you use the images please credit Scotttishenduros.co.uk

racing all day

Davidson showing aerial style

quarter given at the start of the Sportsman class

Bisset getting some serious air over the stile
Andrew Bisset rails the

Followed by Kagen

Chris Gallagher roosts it

Lap one and the race is on

New enduro rider Felix Beavitt kicks up a storm

Kevin Gauld SACU Steward checks out the signage

Alan Davidson flies high

Followed by James Harvey

David MacGillivray on the boil

Aerial combat on the jumps

Grzegorz Nowak gets some flight time

Gareth Jamieson on form

Felix Beavitt in flight

Taylor Mair comes in to land

Richard McLeod in action and spots the camera

Mike Glass still flying

Action man Alan Macdonald

Robert Gardiner looking cool

Thomas Malcolm keeps it tidy

Daniel Watson

Jordan Scott

Devin de Jeger on form

Max Hamilton cruises past

Andrew Bisset on form all day

Kagen just can't keep that wheel down

James Harvey flies off the stile

Hard racing all day

Cai Hewitt - all day racer

Jon Denison pushes hard

Richard McLeod

Max Hamilton on the boil

Chris Gallagher

Gavin Donald clears the mud hole

Alan Macdonald makes a splash

Racing all day long

Michael Alexander gets the wheel up

Devin de Jeger still flying

Kagen still in flight

Callum Davidson in action

Edward McKenzie flies

Richard Mcleod

Jordan Scott - max effort

Andrew in flight all day long for the win

Edward McKenzie in the berm

The free bike wash !!