2 Day Vinduro at Heriot on 7th/8th May 2022
Great event set up by Kenny Donaldson and
his team in the Scottish Borders. Lots of vintage bikes to bring back
Yamaha IT 465 and 490's . Husky 500 ,
Honda XR 650 and some Yamaha WR 2 strokes. There were also some more modern
bikes out to have a go on the track.
Results for both
days here
Photos Copyright (c) 2022
if you wish a
high res image or a print (£5 + P&P)- email me at
If you do not see your photo email me as I took many more on the day
If you use the images please credit

Classics on the line


The race is on Richard Reed and Gary Middleton

Donny Hamilton on the Yamaha WR

Robert Bowe KDX

Tony Hume

John Cutmore

Roger Shepherd

David Simm

Lee Briton on the Yamaha YZ

David Scott motoring

David Scott on the Big Yam IT

Graham Johnston Honda CR

Richard Reed

Richard Reed

Gary Middleton

Gary Middleton

Kieran Clotworthy

Colin Lee in the woods

Michael Lee pushes on

Andy Malthouse

Barry Jeffrey Husky 500

Graham Mechan

Mick Moseley gets air on the CAN- AM

Mark Crapper on the YZ

John McQuilling Yamaha YZ

Steven Noble Honda XR 650

Gary Middleton

Dave Donald on the KTM

Ready for the next lap

Conor Scott

James Harvey

The race is on