[ Site Updated 4th October 2007] Scottish Enduros 2007
New Host
Welcome to Off Road Motorcycle Sport in Scotland (Enduros)
Welcome to Scottish Enduros 2007. This site was set
up in 1999 as an introduction to the sport. It now contains information on events,
results who to contact and profiles of some of the top Scottish Riders.
The big event each year is the ISDE (in Chile this year) and there will
be several training and fund raising days over the season. All events will be found in the
Calendar along with major British and World rounds.
New to the site ? - check the site map first for what's here
Please note
that there is no right of access to Scottish
forests for trail riding and that unauthorised use may endanger our sport. Ensure you have
permission to ride before you go. For a good summary of rights in Scotland see John
Rushworths 1999 article stored on this site ( this was pre Land Reform Act
so is only a guide ) - click here.
Bon Accord Enduro - ready to go. Due to the postal strike Di Stuart has agreed to take telephone entries up
till Tuesday night - but you must post your entries with entry fee. Check with Di if she
has got your entry.
Bon Accord Lumsden Enduro 14th October
- Regs now available - click here . Remember this one -
it has the FAAAAST test!
Read Campbells report on The Natterjack - click here. Photos next
NOTE - due to the high demand on the site since Sunday it was removed by the ISP.
Hopefully this reduced page will keep the site up until I can transfer to larger site in
the very near future.
I apologise but have had to remove the report and pics of Selkirk until the new site
is set up - about a week or so I hope. Pictures of Selkirk at - www.digitaloffroad.co.uk .
But congratulations to our new champions . Clubman E
classes - details later
Murray Thomson - Expert
Neil Chatham - Clubman
Sean Wooley - Over 40
Sportsman - Liam Beatty
McRae - World Champion Rally Driver - died in a helicopter crash on Saturday15th
A very popular racer - who excelled at
everything he tried and made friends wherever he went. He competed in several
Enduros and finished 4th in the tough Expert class on his spare bike - always with a
Colin we will miss you . Our thoughts and condolences go out to
his family.
A Service of Celebration was held in
Lanark on Sunday 30th Sept 4pm Details are on www.colinmcrae.com. 15,000 turned out to say farewell
to a local hero.
New for 2007 - Inter Club Enduro.
After discussions at the Enduro Committe it has been decided to run an Inter Club event -
hopefully a fixture for the future. Each club will nominate 2 riders from Expert, Clubman,
Over 40 and Sportsman ( best 6 results to count). The club with the lowest points total
will win. So make sure you put your name forward to your club and ensure each club has a
full team. Clubs to decide on their teams.
The event will run as part of an existing Enduro
this year the BON ACCORD event- no extra events or entires required. Who do you ride
for ? Make sure your club has a full team !
THE POINTS Click here for
latest up to date Points Standings including Griffin
More reports and video from Griffin - don't watch if you don't like mud . Tourist view
of the test click here. And a report from the TBM forum - thanks Brian -click
here andhere for video.
Final ELRAT Results with Correct
Sportsmen - apologies for confusion. Click here
And a quick link to the North East Enduro Clubs site.
- get your details for events like the White Horse - Stang etc. All tough - all great
2007 ACU Handbook
- in pdf format - latest rules and regs. Click
Noise Limits for 2007.
The official ACU/SACU limits for 2007 are 96 Db for MX (94 Db for 4
strokes in 2008) and 94 Db for Enduro - this is measured at 20cm. (85 Db measured at 2
metres). There will be tesing at events this year. Noisy bikes risk
exclusion in 2007 !!
Note to
all riders for 2007 - please ensure you have the correct number background for your class
- KTM Orange does not count as a background. Expert - Red or green on the front, Clubman
and O-40 Yellow front, Sportsman Black front. All with yellow sidepanels. So now you will
know you've been passed by a Sportsman !! It really helps the organisers on the course.
Clubman - Over 40
And a
reminder to all riders. You must stop at the start of each Special
Test to allow the timekeepers to record your number and to set the timing gear. If you
don't stop you could miss having a lap recorded. And ensure you follow the marked route.
If you miss a corner you must go back and rejoin the course at the point you left it. Any
riders found by the Clerk of the Course off the marked route risk disqualifiaction.
New items planned for 2007 - Hints and tips - what to wear -
recommended events - results archive - maybe even some competitions.
Check out the Ride On page for new off road kit - and
speak to Stephen Lafferty (0141 423 2773)for more details.
DAKAR 2007
Lisbon - Dakar
Check the DAKAR site for full
results and stage by stage results. DAKAR 2007 starts on
January 5th from Lisbon Portugal - check it out on Eurosport.
If you find the sport is interesting and would like to ride or assist then contact a
club as we are keen to attract new members to the sport. There is an over 40's class
and a Ladies award, so everyone can get out and ride.
Enduros in Scotland are organised from March to October with events from the Borders to
Inverness . All classes of rider are catered for with Expert, Clubman, Sportsman and over
40's classes.
To compete you need to be a member of a club and either hold an SACU or ACU licence - or can get a one day licence at the event.
You need to send in an entry form prior to the event, Regs are
available on this site or from the host club. Events are published in Trials &
Motocross News. If you check the Calendar on this site
the dates and venues of events and training days are listed. The Contacts page has the addresses of the organising clubs.
The aim of Enduro Competition is to complete the course via several checkpoints in a
set time. You may not check in early or late without penalty. Generally the top riders go
"clean" and the event is then decided on the result of special test times. There
will be one or two tests per lap of a moto-X or cross-country type. For the slower riders
there is up to a one hour allowance over the set time for the course to achieve a finish.
Enduros are exactly what they say and even to finish is an achievement. So go on - try
an event and get out on the hills. There is no other sport like it.
Please note
that there is no right of access to Scottish
forests for trail riding and that unauthorised use may endanger our sport. Ensure you have
permission to ride before you go. For a good summary of rights in Scotland see John
Rushworths article stored on this site - click
here.( Replaces the version on the Internet which has been hijacked)
Please look round this site and if you need further information contact the relevant
club or e-mail webmaster @ scottishenduros . co .uk .
Finally, if you are tired of wet and muddy British events have a look at the Moto Aventures page. Mountain and desert riding in Morocco
and Andorra. Or the Desert Racing page for Dakar etc links
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stated otherwise. Information posted on this site is posted in good faith but the
webmaster cannot be held responsible for inaccurate content supplied.
All content is copyright (c) Scottish Enduros. Please
contact the webmaster if you wish to reproduce the content.
Any problems with the site - email me on webmaster
@ scottishenduros . co . uk
Please e-mail comments to webmaster @ scottishenduros . co
. uk