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 newsacusml.jpg (9809 bytes) SACU 2011 HARE AND HOUND CHAMPIONSHIP

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There are 5 championship classes for 2011 - Expert, Clubman, Clubman 'B', Over 40 and Sportsman.

Points are awarded from 1st to 15th Place - 20,17,15,13,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Standings  ( Riders drop 1 event if there are more than 6 rounds) Thanks to Tracy Thomson for compiling.

Round 1 ERMCC Tain
16th Jan

Report and Results

Round 2 Melville Lochhouses
 13th Feb

Report and Results

Round 3 ELRAT/EEC  Elgin
 6th March

Report and Results

Round 4 Bon Accord Glen Trusta
 13th March

Report and Results

Round 5 SBEC Glendearg
 8th May

Report and Results

Round 6 Melville West Linton
 12th June

Report and Results

Round 7 SBEC Ashkirk
 3rd July

Report and Results


2011 S A C U Hare and Hound Champions

Expert Champion Ricky Mair

Over 40 Mark Ritchie ( tied on points with James Harvey but wins by having most class wins.)

Clubman Dean Reid

Clubman 'B' Dean Barr

Sportsman Neil Patton Senior

Congratulations to all the riders who took part in the Championship and to all the clubs who put on rounds and helped out.
